Thanks to the support of the Ottawa community, the 9th Annual Redemption Run was a rousing success! God answered our prayers and the sun was shining as over 100 runners completed our course to raise money for Harvest House. A wonderful time was had by all and we would like to thank the event volunteers who made the race possible. A special thank you goes out to our sponsors, including Milano Auto Body, Richmond Nursery, and Precision Auto. Without you we would not be able to hold this great event!
The Redemption Run is more than just a road race. Members of the Ottawa community run with residents and graduates of Harvest House to raise funds and give hope to the residents of our program as they work to overcome their addiction. Participating in the Redemption Run gives residents the opportunity to experience the rewards of setting and achieving personal running goals as they run alongside the community members who come out to support them.
The Jill Ferne Golf Tournament was also a major success, as over 100 golfers from the Ottawa business community gathered at Manderley on the Green for a great day of golf and fellowship. Despite the rain at the end of the day, the event went extremely well and the delicious dinner provided a fitting end to a great day. Harvest House would like to extend a special thank you to all our sponsors and those who donated prizes to our raffle table. We are looking forward to next year!