Celebrate Recovery is a recovery program based on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. It relates each aspect of the 12 steps to principles from the Bible. Over 5 million individuals worldwide have completed parts of this program.
At Harvest House, we use the study books from Celebrate Recovery to provide residents with a foundation for recovery. Although the material is Christ-centred, residents from different spiritual backgrounds are encouraged to make it applicable to their own beliefs. These classes incorporate teaching and group discussion.
We cover things like:
- The importance of recognizing we can’t do it alone and need help
- The problems of relying on our own understanding
- Our need to turn from our old ways of thinking and acting
- Accountability
- How to look honestly at the ways our actions have harmed ourselves and others
- What it means to admit your faults and make amends
- Forgiveness
- Daily journaling and reflection
- Preventing relapse
- Gratitude and helping others