Harvest House Ministries
3435 Ramsayville Rd. Ottawa, ON

Continuing Education

Many of the men who come to Harvest House have not completed their high school diploma and most have ruled out the possibility of ever advancing their education. This can present difficulties in gaining employment and be a source of insecurity and low self-esteem. By providing teaching, tutoring, and support, the continuing education program helps residents without a high school diploma prepare to write the General Equivalency Diploma (GED) test. Since the implementation of the program in 2007, over 100 residents have successfully attained their high school diploma.

Those who attain their GED or already have their high school diploma are encouraged to pursue post-secondary education after they have completed at least one year of living in re-entry housing and after doing additional study skills preparation work. Over the years, several graduates have gone on to become alumni of various institutions, including Algonquin College, Carleton University, the University of Ottawa, and York University, and some have successfully pursued graduate-level studies. Through the continuing education program, Harvest House residents and graduates work towards tangible goals and learn that educational success is possible for them.