Harvest House Ministries
3435 Ramsayville Rd. Ottawa, ON

Andrew’s Story

Before coming to Harvest House, Andrew was facing 3-5 years in the penitentiary. His drug addiction got to the point where he knew he needed to change. He came to Harvest House in June 2019 at 19 years old.

“I had lost my way in life and felt as if my life had no value,” Andrew said.

When he first came to Harvest House, he did not take anything seriously and looked for the easy way out. After a few months, he realized that he was lucky to be in treatment and that he was, in fact, an addict. He learned that overcoming his addiction would be an everyday struggle for the rest of his life, but he was hopeful.

Andrew graduated from the one-year program at 20 years old and now after three years at Harvest House, he is currently a part-time staff member working with the administrative team as the inventory clerk.

In November 2021, Andrew passed his General Education Diploma (GED) exam and earned his high school equivalency! In May 2022, he applied and was accepted to Carleton University for psychology.

Today, Andrew’s future looks bright, and he is working hard towards his goals.

“If you were to ask me three years ago if I thought all of this were possible, I’d think you were crazy. But it’s possible. One day at a time.” – Andrew